PES 6 exe Externalizer v0.2 by Demo AFThis is a tool that makes a new exe file that uses (.ext) (external AFS files) files instead of (.afs) filesthat will help you keep your original files safeChangelog:-The tool now works on anyfile.exe of pes 6How to use:Put the tool inside the PES6 FolderOpen config.iniCode:[PES6]exe_file=PES6.exe[External]0_sound=10_text=1e_sound=1e_text=01 : The exe file will use (ext) file for this file instead of (afs)0 : The exe file will use the default (afs) filessave filerun the toolrun the game from pes6-external.exe
Different games and programs use different file-containment systems to keep the game files in order so they can be accessed by the program while preventing user tampering. The "Pro Evolution Soccer" series uses AFS (Andrew File System) files, which, if unpacked, contain data such as the game's video and audio files. The PSP has no problem reading these files, but they are intended to be impermeable to users exploring the console's file system so as to prevent tampering or file duplication.
Afs File Pes 6 Download
An AFS file error can occur if the PSP or copy of "Pro Evolution 6" that the user is attempting to run has been tampered with, or if the game or console are faulty. If you are playing a backup copy of "Pro Evolution Soccer 6," use your original game to eliminate the AFS error. If your PSP has been modified to accept amateur-developed software, make sure you are running the latest version of your chosen operating software. Consult the software's developer if AFS errors persist, as amateur-developed software can be prone to compatibility errors not present in the PSP's native operating system.
Instalacija:1) 0_text.afs, e_text.afs, 0_sound.afs, e_sound.afs i opmov kopirate u "dat" folder u folderu gde vam je instaliran PES62) exe, podešavanja i kitserver kopirate u folder gde vam je instaliran PES63) uni, stadiums, balls, boots, faces i hair foldere kopirate u folder kitserver/GDB4) kitserver/dat/0_text kopirate u folder kitserver\dat\0_text.afs\5) OF kopirate u My Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 6\folder16) Instalirajte sve dodatke koji se nalaze na početku ovog posta (uputstvo se nalazi pre linka).7*)Transparente kopirate u kitserver/dat/0_text.afs (* PAŽNJA!!! Pošto su transparenti velike rezolucije većina računara ih ne podržava. Ako vam igrica zbog njih puca, obrišite ih fajl po fajl. Najbolje bi bilo da sačekate ukoliko niste sigurni da znate šta radite da izbacimo update sa transparentima manje rezolucije!)ČESTO POSTAVLJANA PITANJA:Obavezno pročitajte ovu sekciju, kako bi predupredili eventualne buduće probleme. Postavljanje pitanja koja su ovde objašnjena će se smatrati spamom, a korisnici koji ih postavljaju će biti sankcionisani.-Svi grbovi su mi izmešani / Scoreboard je na pogresnom mestu na ekranuIli kitserver nije lepo kopiran/attachovan, ili exe nije lepo kopiran, ili kitserver/dat/0_text.afs nije lepo kopiran. Proverite sve tri stvari. Ako ne znate kako se attachuje kitserver imate tutorijal ovde: [Tutorijal] Kitserver - instalacija i koriscenje-Ne vidim igrače od konstrukcije stadionaNiste uradili korak 6 u instalaciji. Prebacite kameru na Normal Long ili skinite ispravljenu kameru sa početka ovog posta i obrisite "Camerazoomer.dll " i " camerazoomer " iz kitserver foldera.-Imena timova nisu dobraNije lepo iskopiran exe. Skinite ponovo i pokrećite igricu preko JSL13.exe-Imena igrača nisu dobraOF nije lepo skinut ili kopiran.-Neki belci imaju crnačke face i obrnutoNiste odradili korak 6 u instalaciji.-Pomesana su mi navijanja (navijaci Partizana se cuju kao navijaci OFK BeogradaNiste odradili korak 6 u instalaciji (u medjuvremenu je izasao update)-Nemam Dresove/Face/Kopačke/LopteNiste lepo odradili korak 3 u instalaciji.-Nemam stadione / Ne mogu da promenim stadioneMogu da budu 2 stvari. Prva je da ste loše uradili korak 3 u instalaciji, a druga je da niste upoznati sa tim kako se menjaju stadioni iz kitservera u PES6. Tutorijal za to možete naći ovde: Sitni tutorijali by gajich-Igra puca pri podešavanju formacije/igra puca čim se uključiMože da bude više uzroka, prvi su HD Transparenti, pokušajte njih prvo da obrišete fajl po fajl. Ako to ne upali, onda probajte neku od sledećih stvari: obrišite balls folder iz kitserver/GDB, isključite komentatora, skinite opet exe fajl, isključite i ponovo uključite kitserver, obrišite boots iz kitserver/GDB, smanjite kvalitet u podešavanjima.-Igra koči/seckaSkinite D3DOverider i/ili smanjite grafiku na Medium-Javlja AFS file not found greškuProverite da li imate 0_text.afs, e_text.afs, 0_sound.afs, e_sound.afs, opmov na lokaciji KONAMI/Pro Evolution Soccer 6/dat. Ako imate sve, reinstalirajte igricu, i izaberite samo engleski jezik ili promenite u registry-ju podešavanje za prisutne jezike.-Javlja Game is not propertly installedImate grešku u Registry-ju, instalirajte PES ponovo ili skinite registry fajl.-Ne radi onlineNamestite ovo: New online server for PES6 (FiveServer)Ako ne možete da se povežete sa protivnikom, proverite da li obojica imate isti peč i da li ste obojica dobro uradili korak 4 u instalaciji.
PES 6 FIFA English CommentaryIf you're bored with the old PES 6 English Commentary, maybe you can use this FIFA English Commentary for PES 6 by Cesc Fabregas.Download : PES 6 FIFA English Commentary MirrorHow to Use :1. Go to \Dat folder and backup your original e_sound.afs file ( important )2. Now extract your preffered commentary file that you've been downloaded with WinRAR3. Rename the file to e_sound.afs and place it to the same location as step one ( in dat folder )4. Play !Credits : Cesc Fabregas
Note: If the installation has multiple installation disks, copy all the disks into the same folder. There will be a prompt to overwrite files during this process. Click Yes To All to merge the disks into a single installation folder. 2ff7e9595c